Saturday, April 16, 2016

I want to be a vintage quilt when I grow up.

Recently while driving, I heard a radio commercial praising the benefits of anti-aging therapies. They rattled off a litany of enticing services that offered fat freezing, face peeling, and assorted other unimaginable practices promising youth. I mentally calculated the effects that some of these procedures might have on my appearance and my pocketbook. 

Our society has a strong foothold in promoting the benefits of youthful appearances and I too am guilty of wanting to  believe some of those promises.  How does this square with my all natural, always buy organic, leanings?   It doesn't! I want to be able to age gracefully on my own terms. I want to have crows feet, laugh lines and evidence that I faced the wind and the sun. I want my greying hair to be a sign of accomplishment that I have lived long enough to have done something I cared about.  

Why would  I alter that agenda?  I hope I age as well as this beautifully soft Welsh quilt in my collection. I want the patina of those slightly worn and deepened hand quilted lines. I want to be patterned  like the hours and days it took to add every stitch to this quilt as evidence of my age. Intriguing  to the quilt historians and appraisers who study the value and provenance of quilts and wish they knew the stories of the maker. 

Yes, this is my philosophy as I sit in a snarl of traffic that's trying my patience. Then I remember to I smile and squint a little in the sun as the driver next to me honks and passes.

                                                                                                                      Happy Quilting,




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