Thursday, December 10, 2015

Day 10 - Indigo Production in the West Indies

31 day blog challenge (1)    
photo from

The West Indies had a perfect climate to grow and produce indigo. European countries mainly France, England, and Portugal sought to colonize these islands and profit from their lucrative indigo market. Soon the economic and political landscape of the American Revolution an the Napoleonic wars undermined control of the West Indies and its indigo production. Due to political unrest and slave revolts in the West Indies, the indigo market shifted toward India and Java.

Slaves revolt in Saint Dominique
Saint Dominigue
Saint Dominigue
Saint Dominigue

France controlled the West Indian island of Saint Dominique, now known as Haiti, and was producing very profitable cotton, coffee, and indigo crops. In the time  between 1791-1804 a series of slave uprisings led to one of the largest and most successful  slave rebellions that resulted in a social shift recognizing human rights, citizenship status for its people, and participation in local government.
Haitian Revolution (1791-1804)

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